PlaySafe triple protect

Playsafe triple protects, Individual and safe
The first individually fabricated sports mouthguard that passed the EU type examination!
The EU regulation for personal protective equipment also requires a EU type examination for individually fabricated personal protection, so-called custom-made products.Without having passed the EU type examination, sport mouthguards that are individually fabricated by dental technicians or dentists are NOT allowed to bear a CE marking.A sports mouthguard with passed EU type examination provides security for the athletes having achieved a tested product. A product on which they can rely and that gives best protection to them.
Playsafe triple, Playsafe triple-light with the referring materials is the first individual sports mouthguard system, that has been tested according to the EU regulation 2016/425 annex II. Certificate
Playsafe triple and Playsafe triple-light sports mouthguard can therefore be marked CE in reference to this EU regulation!