Clear Polished Sapphire
Your patients are asking for it and you need a real cosmetic option. Every Radiance bracket is a polished jewel, made from single crystal pure grown sapphire, the second hardest mineral known to man. Each crystal is honed and then heat polished into a superbly smooth, incredibly clear, and astoundingly strong bracket. Once bonded, Radiance is nearly invisible on the tooth.
Clear Polished Sapphire
Your patients are asking for it and you need a real cosmetic option. Every Radiance bracket is a polished jewel, made from single crystal pure grown sapphire.
Your patients are asking for it and you need a real cosmetic option. Every Radiance bracket is a polished jewel, made from single crystal pure grown sapphire, the second hardest mineral known to man. Each crystal is honed and then heat polished into a superbly smooth, incredibly clear, and astoundingly strong bracket. Once bonded, Radiance is nearly invisible on the tooth.
Clear Polished Sapphire
Your patients are asking for it and you need a real cosmetic option. Every Radiance bracket is a polished jewel, made from single crystal pure grown sapphire.
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- Air Flow - Profylakse+
- Tannpleie+
- Munnbind+
- Piezo Teknologi+
- Avtrykksskjeer+
- Avtrykks materiale+
- Desinfeksjon+
- OPTIM Blue Desinfeksjon+
- Oral antisepsis+
- Rengjøring, desinfeksjon og pleie av hender+
- Rengjøring og desinfeksjon av overflater+
- Rengjøring og desinfeksjon av instrumenter+
- Mekanisk bearbeiding+
- Rengjøring av aspirasjonsystemer+
- Desinfeksjon av avtrykksskjeer+
- Rengjøring for spesielle bruksområder+
- Dekontaminering av behandlingsvann+
- Vannforsyning og dekontamineringsenheter+
- Tilbehør+
- OPTIM Blue Desinfeksjon+
- Dyna Magnet / Attachment+
- Endodonti+
- Forbruksvarer+
- Gips og Gipstilbehør+
- Hansker, Nitril+
- Instrumenter+
- Kirurgi+
- Kassetter & Oppbevaring+
- LED Lamper+
- Roterende instrumenter+
- Turbiner & Vinkelstykke+
- Tannbleking+
- EthOss+